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Англо-русский биологический словарь - measure


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Перевод с английского языка measure на русский


1) мера; измерять

2) мероприятие

measure of taxonomic distancemeasure of variabilityconservation measures

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См. в других словарях

  off отмерять MEASURE out отмерять; выдавать по мерке; распределять; This medicine must be measured out exactly. MEASURE up (to; иногда тж. with)  а) достигать (уровня);  б) соответствовать, отвечать (требованиям); The prisoner measures up to the description the police have of the wanted jewel thief.  в) оправдывать (надежды); I always give new workers a short contract to begin with, as I want to see how they measure up. MEASURE of capacity мера объема MEASURE  1. noun  1) мера; - dry measures - linear measures - liquid measures - square measures - full measure - short measure - give good measure  2) мерка; - made to measure - take smb. s measure  3) предел, степень; to set measures to smth. - ограничивать что-л.; ставить предел чему-л.; beyond (или out of) measure - чрезмерно; чрезвычайно; in some (или in a) measure - до некоторой степени, отчасти; to give a measure of hope - до некоторой степени обнадежить, вселить какую-то надежду; a limited measure of success - неполный, относительный успех  4) масштаб, мерило, критерий; measure of value - мерило стоимости  5) мера, мероприятие; to take (drastic) measures - принять (решительные, крутые) меры  6) math. делитель; - greatest common measure  7) prosody метр, размер  8) mus. такт  9) obs. танец  10) pl.; geol. пласты определенной геологической формации; свита  11) typ. ширина столбца measure for measure - око за око, зуб за зуб to get the measure of smb. - раскусить кого-л. Syn: see standard  2. v.  1) измерять, мерить; отмерять (тж....
Англо-русский словарь
  1. мера, система измерений dry measure —- мера сыпучих тел square measure —- квадратная мера, мера площади linear measure —- линейная мера, мера длины metrical measure —- метрическая мера cubic measure —- кубическая мера, мера обьема 2. единица измерения, мера an inch is a measure of length —- дюйм - это мера длины 20 measures of wheat —- двадцать мер пшеницы a quart measure —- кварта, сосуд (мера) в одну кварту full measure —- полная мера to sell smth. by measure —- продавать что-л. мерами to give good measure —- дать полную меру; отпустить (товар) с походом; воздать полной мерой short measure —- недовес, недомер (о длине), недостача (о деньгах) 3. масштаб, мерило, критерий measure of value —- мерило стоимости 4. мерка, размер made to measure —- сшитый по мерке, сшитый на заказ to have a suit made to measure —- сшить костюм на заказ to take smb.'s measure —- снимать мерку с кого-л.; образ. присматриваться к кому-л.; определять чей-л. характер; образ. распознать, раскусить кого-л. it took him less then a day to get the measure of his new assistant —- не прошло и дня, как он раскусил своего нового помощника to take the enemy's measure —- изучать противника; приобрести боевой опыт 5. степень; предел; мера it is a measure of the success of this book that... —- об успехе его книги можно судить по тому, что...; успех его книги объясняется тем, что......
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) мера; измерять 2) мероприятие – measure of taxonomic distance – measure of variability – conservation measures ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) мера 2) масштаб 3) степень – measure of damages – compulsory measure – emergency measure – legal measure – similarity measure MEASURE 1. сущ. 1) мера; мерило, критерий 2) масштаб 3) степень 4) предел 5) мероприятие • - adequate measure - anti-monopoly measures - appropriate measure - compulsory measures - control measure - drastic measures - economy measures - effective measures - emergency measures - gross measure - immediate measures - measure of concentration - measure of damages - measure of efficiency - measure of prices - measure of productivity - measure of quality - measure of reliability - measure of uncertainty - measure of utility - measure of value - measures of performance of economy - restrictive measures - safety measures - social and cultural measures - take measures - unit of measure 2. гл. 1) измерять, измеряться, мерить 2) соразмерять 3) достигать уровня (up) - measure job performance Syn: size, determine, observe ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) дозировать 2) единица измерения 3) измерять 4) критерий 5) масштаб 6) мера 7) мерило 8) мерить 9) обмер 10) объемный 11) размеривать 12) система мер 13) формат полосы набора 14) характеристика absolutely continuous measure — абсолютно непрерывная мера automorphism of measure space — автоморфизм пространства с мерой boundedly finite measure — ограниченно конечная мера change of measure principle — принцип замены меры cluster invariant measure — кластерно инвариантная мера completely additive measure — вполне аддитивная мера completely random measure — вполне случайная мера complex representing measure — комплексная представляющая мера conditionally compact measure — условно компактная мера continuously embeddable measure — непрерывно вложимая мера countably additive measure — счетно аддитивная мера defective probability measure — дефектная вероятностная мера disjoint measure classes — дизъюнктные классы finitely additive measure — конечно аддитивная мера greatest common measure — наибольший общий делитель hitting probability measure — вероятностная мера первого достижения infinitely divisible measure — безгранично делимая мера joint spectral measure — взаимная спектральная мера locally absolutely continuous measure — локально абсолютно непрерывная мера locally finite measure — локально конечная мера measure in steps of — измерять с дискретностью measure of curvature of curve shape —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) мера, критерий 2) показатель, степень – blindness measure – correctness measure – data-transmission/utilization measure – discomfort measure – precautionary measure – preventive measure – protective measure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  мера, мероприятие измерение; мера measure of slump bank measure crack control measures mason's measure remedial measures safety measures safety and health measures ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) мера 2) критерий; мерило 3) измерение измерять 4) метод измерения 5) средство измерения 6) матем. делитель 7) мн. ч. свита (пластов), отложения in absolute measure — абсолютным методом, в абсолютной мере; to measure decrementally — измерять (значения величины) в порядке убывания; to measure incrementally — измерять (значения величины) в порядке возрастания; to measure to a precision of... — измерять с погрешностью ...; to measure to better than... — измерять с погрешностью менее... - measure of area - measure of length - measure of performance - measure of self-information - absolute measure - angular measure - apothecaries fluid measure - avoirdupois measure - basic measure - board-foot measure - board measure - capacity measure - circular measure - coal measures - cubic measure - derived measure - dispensing measure - dry measure - end measure - equilibrium measure - error measure - flood-control measures - go/no go measure - grade measure - graduated measure - harmonic measure - Hartley's measure - information measure - informational measure - intaken measure - land measure - line measure - linear measure - liquid measure - loose measure - material measure - metrical measure - metric measure - multivalue measure - performance measure - precautionary measure - preventive measure - probability measure - protective measures - radian measure - safety measures - short measure - single-value measure - square measure - standard measure - statistical measure - traders' measure - training measures - unit measure - volume measure ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a size or quantity found by measuring. 2 a system of measuring (liquid measure; linear measure). 3 a rod or tape etc. for measuring. 4 a vessel of standard capacity for transferring or determining fixed quantities of liquids etc. (a pint measure). 5 a the degree, extent, or amount of a thing. b (foll. by of) some degree of (there was a measure of wit in her remark). 6 a unit of capacity, e.g. a bushel (20 measures of wheat). 7 a factor by which a person or thing is reckoned or evaluated (their success is a measure of their determination). 8 (usu. in pl.) suitable action to achieve some end (took measures to ensure a good profit). 9 a legislative enactment. 10 a quantity contained in another an exact number of times. 11 a prescribed extent or quantity. 12 Printing the width of a page or column of type. 13 a poetical rhythm; metre. b a metrical group of a dactyl or two iambuses, trochees, spondees, etc. 14 US Mus. a bar or the time-content of a bar. 15 archaic a dance. 16 a mineral stratum (coal measures). --v. 1 tr. ascertain the extent or quantity of (a thing) by comparison with a fixed unit or with an object of known size. 2 intr. be of a specified size (it measures six inches). 3 tr. ascertain the size and proportion of (a person) for clothes. 4 tr. estimate (a quality, person's character, etc.) by some standard or rule. 5 tr. (often foll. by off) mark (a line etc. of a given length). 6 tr. (foll. by out) deal or distribute (a thing) in measured quantities. 7 tr. (foll. by with, against) bring (oneself or one's strength etc.) into competition with. 8 tr. poet. traverse (a distance). Phrases and idioms beyond measure excessively. for good measure as something beyond the minimum; as a finishing touch. in a (or some) measure partly. made to measure Brit. (of clothes) made from measurements taken. measure up 1 a determine the size etc. of by measurement. b take comprehensive measurements. 2 (often foll. by to) have the necessary qualifications (for). measuring-jug (or -cup) a jug or cup marked to measure its contents. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English mesure, from Anglo-French, from Latin mensura, from mensus, past participle of metiri to ~; akin to Old English m?th ~, Greek metron  Date: 13th century  1.  a.  (1) an adequate or due portion  (2) a moderate degree; also moderation, temperance  (3) a fixed or suitable limit ; bounds rich beyond ~  b. the dimensions, capacity, or amount of something ascertained by measuring  c. an estimate of what is to be expected (as of a person or situation)  d.  (1) a ~d quantity  (2) amount, degree  2.  a. an instrument or utensil for measuring  b.  (1) a standard or unit of ~ment — see weight table  (2) a system of standard units of ~ metric ~  3. the act or process of measuring  4.  a.  (1) melody, tune  (2) dance; especially a slow and stately dance  b. rhythmic structure or movement ; cadence: as  (1) poetic rhythm ~d by temporal quantity or accent; specifically meter  (2) musical time  c.  (1) a grouping of a specified number of musical beats located between two consecutive vertical lines on a staff  (2) a metrical unit ; foot  5. an exact divisor of a number  6. a basis or standard of comparison wealth is not a ~ of happiness  7. a step planned or taken as a means to an end; specifically a proposed legislative act  II. verb  (~d; measuring)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to choose or control with cautious restraint ; regulate ~ his acts  b. to regulate by a standard ; govern  2. to allot or apportion in ~d amounts ~ out three cups  3. to lay off by making ~ments  4. to ascertain the ~ments of  5. to estimate or appraise by a criterion ~s his skill against his rival  6. archaic to travel over ; traverse  7. to serve as a means of measuring a thermometer ~s temperature  intransitive verb  1. to take or make a ~ment  2. to have a specified ~ment  • measurability noun  • measurable adjective  • measurably adverb  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (measures, measuring, measured) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you measure the quality, value, or effect of something, you discover or judge how great it is. I continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctor’s office... It was difficult to measure the precise impact of the labor action. VERB: V n prep, V n 2. If you measure a quantity that can be expressed in numbers, such as the length of something, you discover it using a particular instrument or device, for example a ruler. Measure the length and width of the gap... VERB: V n 3. If something measures a particular length, width, or amount, that is its size or intensity, expressed in numbers. The house is more than twenty metres long and measures six metres in width... = be VERB: no cont, V amount 4. A measure of a particular quality, feeling, or activity is a fairly large amount of it. (FORMAL) The colonies were claiming a larger measure of self-government. N-SING: N of n 5. If you say that one aspect of a situation is a measure of that situation, you mean that it shows that the situation is very serious or has developed to a very great extent. That is a measure of how bad things have become at the bank. N-SING: N of n/wh 6. When someone, usually a government or other authority, takes measures to do something, they carry out particular actions in order to achieve a particular result. (FORMAL) The government warned that police would take tougher measures to contain the trouble... N-COUNT: oft N to-inf, N against n 7. A measure of a strong alcoholic drink such as brandy or whisky is an amount of it in a glass. In pubs and bars, a measure is an official standard amount. He poured himself another generous measure of malt. N-COUNT: usu N of n 8. In music, a measure is one of the several short parts of the same length into which a piece of music is divided. (AM; in BRIT, use bar) N-COUNT 9. see also measured, measuring, counter-measure, half measure, tape...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »OFFICIAL ACTION« an official action that is intended to deal with a particular problem  (Stronger measures are needed to combat crime.) 2 half measures things done to deal with a difficult situation that are not effective or firm enough  (This was no time for half measures and compromises.) 3 »A CERTAIN AMOUNT« a measure of success/agreement/freedom etc a certain amount of a good or useful quality  (new legislation giving women a measure of economic independence) 4 »UNIT OF MEASUREMENT« an amount or unit in a measuring system  (A centimetre is a measure of length. | a table of weights and measures) 5 a measure of alcohol/whisky/etc a standard amount of an alcoholic drink 6 »SIGN/PROOF« be a measure of sth formal to be a sign of the importance, strength etc of something  (It is a measure of his popularity that he was able to travel around without a bodyguard.) 7 »WAY OF JUDGING STH« a measure of a way of testing or judging something  (Exams are not necessarily the best measure of students' abilities.) 8 beyond measure formal very great or very much  (The pride he felt was beyond measure. | Her work has improved beyond measure.) 9 for good measure in addition to what you have already done or given  (She tasted the mixture and added another glass of brandy for good measure.) 10 in large measure/in some measure to a great degree or to some degree  (The improvements are due in large measure to his leadership.) 11 in full measure if someone gives something back in full measure, they give back as much as they received  (They returned our hospitality in full measure..) 12 the full measure of formal the whole of something  (Ralph received the full measure of his mother's devotion.) 13 get the measure of sb/take sb's measure to form a judgment of someone's abilities or character, so that you are able to deal with them or defeat them  (She soon got the measure of her opponent.) 14 »THING USED FOR MEASURING« something such as a piece of wood or a container used for measuring  (- see also tape measure) 15 »SYSTEM FOR...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. mesurer, from L.L. mensurare "to measure," from L. mensura "a measuring, a thing to measure by," from pp. stem of metiri "to measure," from PIE *ma-/*me- "measure." Replaced O.E. mжр "measure." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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